Thursday, October 21, 2010

ESPN magazine Marvel NBA Preview

Man, there's supposed to be 30 of these "variant covers" smashing Marvel Comics and NBA together (this, frankly combines two of my three, non family related, favorite things. If they were drawn by Jerry "The King" Lawler I could probably die). But they're, frankly...terrible.

This is the cream of the crop, and not just because one of my really good friends adore the Mavs.

ESPN's Marvel/NBA preview

The Dallas Mavericks are being compared to Hank Pym. I think I've said enough about Hank Pym to illustrate why this is terrible.

The whole thing is wrought with Marvel reference inaccuracies, so it's sort of terrible-great. Lots of really bad art, too - the Suns one has three random guys below Steve Nash and the middle one looks like what can only be described as a cardboard scarecrow. And look I know that I'm far from masterful, but it's pretty clear the Marvel guys half assed most of these.

The main Western Conference as Infinity Gauntlet one is the only one that's great:

I wish I could find the Eastern Conference to see what they compare my beloved Knicks too.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Avengers Mini-Comic

I made this. I apologize in advance for the terrible and distracting lettering job. I had to use what I could find at work and decided to go dumb with it.

Little Avengers Mini-Comic


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

There's still Ricky Thunder to look at...

I know things have been slowing down over here - things have been hectic in real life, and allowed me little time to draw. In fact, to my beloved followers, all who are so terribly silent, who I adore, but who are very very quiet. I'll draw something on demand here. You can give me something specific, a theme, whatever. I'll draw it for your amusement.

Seriously. Post in the comments.

Also, Ricky Thunder is still rolling on over at Robot Mountain

Best panel yet!
Ricky Thunder

I'm totally working on another superhero thingy for the blog. it'll be something.

This place needs to liven up, though. It's dead in here.